ADF Future Innovators Awards

Schools Portal

About the ADF Future Innovators Awards

In 2024, the Australian Defence Force (ADF), will again be running the ‘ADF Future Innovators Award’ that was introduced in 2020.  These awards are open to Australian high school students currently completing Year 10 or Year 12. The award will recognise recipients’ science and mathematics abilities while highlighting the value the Navy, Army and Air Force place on STEM skills and STEM career opportunities within Defence. 

There will be approximately 5000 recipients across Australia. Applicants must demonstrate motivation, innovation and achievement in a STEM related field. Year 10 recipients will receive a prize of $250 and Year 12 recipients will receive a prize of $550.

This new award program will be running alongside the ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Awards (YLT) program.

We strongly encourage schools to respond to both the ADF Future Innovators awards and the YLT award as students can be nominated both for YLT and Future Innovators Awards. 

You can log in to the ADF Future Innovators Awards portal here.

Key Dates for the ADF Future Innovators Awards
  • Call for schools to participate - 5 June 2024
  • Closing date for submission of names of award recipients - 9 August 2024
  • Award packs to be sent to schools September/October 2024
Further Information